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Omega Teacher Studio “Turning to Joy”

April 18, 2023

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Find joy all around you, and learn to use it as a powerful tool for navigating challenges with True North Insight meditation teacher Dawn Mauricio.

Because of its inherent pleasantness, joy is sometimes considered a throwaway quality—something not worth our time or effort—particularly if we subscribe to the idea that "no pain, no gain" is at the heart of any spiritual practice. As a result, we forget that joy can be an incredibly powerful tool for navigating challenging times in our lives, and in the world.

In this 90-minute Teachers Studio with meditation and mindfulness teacher Dawn Mauricio, cofounder of the True North Insight BIPOC practice group, we explore how to wake up to the joy that is already around us. Dawn shows us how focusing on joy is not an act of erasure, nor is it a way to bypass difficult emotions. Instead, joy can be an anchor we return to again and again, especially in difficult times.

Through guided meditation, a talk, and a question-and-answer session, we explore how to awaken the power of joy in cultivating resilience.

Join live on Tuesday, April 18, 7:00-8:30 p.m. ET (4:00-5:30 p.m. PT). For registered participants, this class will be available on demand through June 17.


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