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Coming Home: A Non-Res Retreat for Asians in the Diaspora

This Spirit Rock Meditation Center weekend retreat invites folks of the Asian diaspora into a kinship of experience, holding the paradox of the relative plane of identity and history in balance with the Buddha’s ultimate pointing toward truth and liberation. Held in the wisdom and compassion of the dharma, the community can move toward a collective healing, appreciating both its connectedness and difference.

The retreat will offer guided meditations, mindful movement, and devotional practices. We will blend periods of silent practice with relational practices to support connection to the heart and to each other. Open to beginning meditators as well as seasoned practitioners.

Open to all people of Asian descent.

Co-teachers: Louije Kim and Gullu Singh

Dates: May 9 – May 10, 2020; 10:00am – 4:30pm.
Sliding Scale: $90 – 216. Code DU1M20.
Note: The average cost per person, per day to Spirit Rock to offer a program is $160.

May 5


May 11

12 Days of Mindfulness