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Giving and Receiving: Generosity in our Practice

Generosity is the foundation of the Buddhist path, intimately pervading our path of practice. This two-day non-residential retreat invites folks to explore generosity and the ways in which it can inform and support letting go, non-attachment, kindness, connection and an open heart. Held in the wisdom and compassion of the Dharma, practices that help to highlight the cultivation and practice of generosity will be shared.

The retreat will offer guided meditations, talks, and an opportunity to ask questions. Practicing “alone together” while in our own spaces presents a unique and powerful new kind of retreat container to deepen our practice and the integration of mindfulness into how we’re living during these times.

Open to beginning meditators as well as seasoned practitioners. This retreat is taught in English.

Co-teacher: Yong Oh

March 9


March 15

BIPOC Meditation Class