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Remembering: Coming Home to the Body and Heart

The ancient Buddhist word Sati, often translated as mindfulness, has the notion of remembering at its root.  During this retreat, we’ll practice remembering to come home to the body and the heart in the present moment to allow the mind and heart to settle.  We’ll practice remembering the wholeness that exists within us even when we may feel fragmented, and we’ll practice remembering the innate capacity of the heart, to connect with a sense of freedom, joy, ease and well-being – a capacity important to remember – and which resources us – when times are difficult.   

We aim to simplify life for a few days, putting aside the usual responsibilities and distractions as much as is feasible and to turn inward.  We will alternate periods of sitting meditation and walking meditation, chanting, Qi-Gong, mindful eating, dharma talks, and rest. There will be daily instruction and guidance, periods where participants should be on camera, and periods of self-practice where a virtual meditation hall will be available.

Price: $500-$250 sliding scale

May 19


May 25

5-Day Series: Loving-Kindness