Steadying the Heart and Mind (S2E9)

"Balance" and "ease" are words used interchangeably to mean equanimity, while equanimity itself can be defined as a steadiness of the heart and mind. In other words, it is the groundwork for freedom and compassion through wisdom. Like many parts of mindfulness practice, discomfort can't be bypassed to an equanimous state, however, practice helps to cultivate the conditions for equanimity to arise naturally. In this meditation, you'll be guided into cultivating a balanced heart and mind.


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Take a few moments to settle into a practice posture that is an expression of the love and care that you hope to have for yourself. Once you feel settled into your posture, whether it's seated, standing or even lying down, take a few moments to tune into the current state of your mind. Is it pulling or trying to hold onto something? Or perhaps you feel more of a pushing feeling like it's trying to make something happen or finish quickly. Equanimity is the practice of cultivating a balance between the two. 

See how it feels now to shift your attention to the impermanence of all things. This includes joys, sorrows, events, relationships, people, jobs, buildings, animals, nature, and whole civilizations.

Come back to the practice of intentionally resisting the urge to push or pull, mentally. See if you can rest your mind on the state of impermanence again and allow it to settle.

Bring to mind others who may be suffering, whether you know them or not. Your mind might have naturally gone towards specific people that you know and if that's the case, wrap them in this equanimity you are cultivating.

Finally, if you haven’t already, begin to expand your awareness to include all beings that haven't already gone there. Wanting or wishing for all beings to be able to have access to this quality of heart that doesn't push or pull. Centering your heart by touch or intention or with words and ‘you too’, ‘this too’.

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Your Go To Meditation (S3E1)


Being With Overwhelm (S2E8)