Becoming a catalyst for change


Happy December,

Welcome to the end of 2020. A year of shifts and confronting hard truths. In many ways it was exactly the year many people said it would be: 20/20 vision. The veil is lifted just long enough for a few more of us to see the flaws in the system(s).

We’re fast approaching the shortest day of the year. Winter Solstice is a turning point that reminds us that the night is always darkest before Dawn ;)

A mindfulness practice can be a wonderful way to put these introspective darker days to good use by keeping us centred so we can take action. I recently wrote about the concept of doing less to Be more.

That’s what this whole thing is about for me – extending compassion and tenderness to ourselves as a catalyst for systemic change.


Online retreats offer a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in intensive meditation practice from the comfort of your home, helping you seamlessly weave practice and home life together. Below are dates I’m teaching - book them off if you’d like to join! Registration links to come.

The Wisdom of the Heart with Devon Hase, Devin Berry, Craig Hase, Dalila Bothwell, Kaira Jewel Lingo
Sunday January 17 - Sunday January 23

Introduction to Insight Meditation
Saturday January 30 - Sunday January 31

Remembering: Coming Home to the Heart and Body with Gullu Singh and Tere Abdala-Romano
Monday February 1 - Sunday February 7

My regular public offerings this Fall include my twice weekly Beditations and monthly contribution to the True North Insight weekly BIPOC group.

Beditation on Instagram Live
Tuesdays and Thursdays 7:30 AM ET
A 15-minute guided meditation from my bed to yours!

Mondays 7:15-8:15 PM ET
*Although this sangha gathers weekly, I’m leading on Mondays Dec. 7


Here are just a few of the many things supporting my turning inwards these days. May it be so for you as well.

Ask an Elder: Winter Solstice
In 2017, Anishinaabe reporter Lenard Monkman asked elder Wilfred Buck of the Opaskwayak Cree Nation in Manitoba to share the significance of the winter solstice in the Cree tradition. Their conversation was recorded and animated by CBC Indigenous in “Ask an Elder.”

CTZN Podcast: Community Care w Prentis Hemphill & Francis Porchas Coronado
A gathering of courageous conversation to explore how to navigate this moment and create a politics of community care. This episode challenges us to dig deep and reckon with how we got here and how we can show up for one another.

Vice: If you’re Already Dreading Winter, Here Are Some Small Ways to Prepare Now
The pandemic means we're probably going to be spending even more time indoors, so it's a good time to get your mind, body, and home ready to hunker down.

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Practice is better together


Do less to “be” more