Love Your Many Sides (S2E3)

Some days, the thought of loving ourselves can feel impossible, while other days it can feel selfish, leading us to offer love to others instead of ourselves. But it’s imperative that we start with ourselves, much like how we are told in an airplane to secure our own oxygen mask before helping others.


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Begin in a position that expresses the loving-kindness you have, or wish to have. It can be seated, reclined, or leaning up against something for support.

Let your body relax and be at rest. Notice the sounds around you, the sensations in your body, or on your breath.

Begin by offering loving-kindness to yourself in your ordinary form. This is the “you” that you see in the mirror.

May I be happy and healthy.

May I be free from inner and outer danger.

May I be filled with loving-kindness.

May I love and accept myself just as I am.

Let any feeling arise with the words, even if they may seem contradictory to this practice at first. If need be, adjust the words and images so that you find the exact phrases that best open you.

Repeat the phrases over and over.

Finish this round of metta by coming back to your breath or body after reciting your last phrase. Notice the feelings and emotions that have arisen without judging or trying to change them.

Next, imagine yourself as a beloved. See yourself through the eyes of love and offer loving-kindness to this version of yourself. No matter how you may feel right now, there are still parts of you that you simply love. See this.

May I be happy and healthy.

May I be free from inner and outer danger.

May I be filled with loving-kindness.

May I love and accept myself just as I am.

Next, see yourself as your most important teacher. There is a part of you that is wise and intuitive. Offer this “you” loving-kindness.

May I be happy and healthy.

May I be free from inner and outer danger.

May I be filled with loving-kindness.

May I love and accept myself just as I am.

Move on to the view of yourself as a stranger. There are parts of you that you just can’t see, parts that are shrouded and mysterious. Offer loving-kindness to this stranger that is you.

After this, bring to mind yourself as an “enemy.” This does not mean what you dislike about yourself. It refers to the part of you that is most fragile and wounded and therefore acts in ways that create chaos for you and those in your life. See yourself as this person who is laboring under great confusion. Offer loving-kindness to this version of yourself.

Finally, bring all of these fascinating, beautiful, difficult pieces together and offer loving-kindness to all of you.

May I be happy and healthy.

May I be free from inner and outer danger.

May I be filled with loving-kindness.

May I love and accept myself just as I am.

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Increasing Your Tolerance for Discomfort (S2E4)


Neck Stretch (S2E2)