Build a Backbone (S2E1)

As beings with eyes positioned to see forward and minds conditioned to think ahead, we often forget about the back of our body. As a result, once we start practicing mindfulness, we don’t realize we often focus on the front of our body when we tune in to our breath or physical sensations. This mindfulness practice, which includes movement, aims to balance things out by enlivening this area that we so often ignore as well as to strengthen the muscles in our back.


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Spread out a yoga mat or blanket on a soft surface and lay face down, resting your chin or forehead on the ground with your hands beneath your shoulders. Take a few deep breaths, sending your breath to the sides of your body and into your back.

Place your elbows on the ground in line with your shoulders and align your hands with your elbows, palms down to the ground. Your arms will be at a 90- degree angle. If you’re able, slide your elbows forward so they are slightly higher than your shoulders.

Press the hands firmly down into the ground and engage in a pulling action. Your hands won’t move but they’re pulling at the ground as if you are trying to pull yourself forward. As you do this, inhale and lift your chest and head off the ground any amount, paying particular attention to your lower back, making sure not to pinch it.

When you need to exhale, lower yourself down and rest on one ear. Pause here for a few moments to feel the residual sensations from this simple movement. Repeat this as many times as you like, alternating the ear you rest on between lifts.

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Neck Stretch (S2E2)


Broaden Your Comfort Zone (S1E9)