Yoga and Relationships

Over the years I have learned that yoga is like a magnifying glass to  relationships. Not just relationships to others, but also to ourselves, and even to “things.”

If not practiced with continuous awareness, our practice, yoga mat, and the yoga studio are all places where our habitual patterns can get reinforced. If we demand “only the best” from ourselves at work or home, our practice will be no exception. If we have a deep need to have things “just right,” the way we place our mat will also need to be  ”just right.” If we step on others’ mats in the studio and brush it off as “It’s just a yoga mat” we may never learn to respect other people’s belongings.

Good news is we can break the cycle on our yoga mat. If your mat is placed slightly crooked, stay with it. If someone unrolls their yoga mat loudly and in your way, go around them. Respecting your and others’ boundaries, and stepping into the places that are uncomfortable will probably be challenging, and yet will also be inspiring. Breathe through it and do your best, even if your best means resting in child’s pose.


To Discern or Not to Discern


Flexible Body = Flexible Mind?