Channel Your Inner Lion

In an interview for Health is Happiness last week I was asked what I’m working on in my practice. I truthfully joked “I am working on channeling my inner lion.” A lion quietly moves with strength and grace, so when channeling a lion during an asana practice, a new quality of awareness is present, particularly in the transitions between poses.

Transitions, on and off the mat, get a bad rap. Off that mat, you’re often focused on the destination and just want to get through the journey. If you get that job/house/partner/car/pair of shoes/etc. you think you’ll finally be happy. On the mat, transitions are equally overlooked. Located before and after each pose, there are twice as many transitions as there are poses in a given class,  however,  they’re done with much less care and awareness.

Moving slowly through any transition is, at best, uncomfortable. However, bringing a lion-like attitude to the moment reminds you that you are exactly where you need to be. All you’ve got to do is meet your inner lion half way, breathe and do your best.


Is This a Heart?


Curiosity Leads to Intimacy