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Awake and At Home: Embodied Mindfulness Retreat for Women (online)

Please note this retreat meets the requirements for participants in Jack Kornfield + Tara Brach’s Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Certification program through Sounds True.

As a virtual at home retreat, this is an opportunity to deepen into mindfulness practice and explore what it means to awaken in each embodied moment of our often challenging, chaotic and beautifully sacred lives as women. Join a diverse community of women from around the globe and experience meditation practice in a way that honors the intuitive and embodied aspects of the journey.

Through mindful movement, stillness, silence and connection, our team of seasoned teachers, all trained in both mindfulness meditation and embodied awakening practices (such as yoga and qigong), will create a nourishing retreat container to slow down, reconnect with the wisdom of your body and return home to your heart. Collectively we will support and empower each other on this journey of becoming more fully grounded, spacious, and responsive in our day to day lives. 

Our retreat format includes teachings on how to integrate practice in between formal sessions, time to connect and practice with the larger community of women on the retreat, as well as two daily meetings with a more intimate group of 15 other women and a retreat teacher. 

All those who identify as women are welcome.

Co-teachers: Anne Cushman, Leslie Booker, Kate Johnson


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