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Embodying Mettā: A Daylong Retreat

Embodying Metta: A Daylong Retreat

Those who are familiar with the practice of mettā, or loving-kindness, know that it is one of four divine abidings of the heart according to the Buddha’s teachings. One way that this quality can be cultivated - as traditionally and so frequently taught - is through the recitation of phrases. However, without a deeper understanding or familiarity with the subtle expressions of mettā, or the alternate doorways into cultivating this profound and limitless quality, loving-kindness meditation can mislead us to binary thinking, as in: "I am loving and kind” or “I am not loving and kind." 

In our daylong together, we will explore the various doorways into cultivating mettā, as well as the spectrum in which it can come alive in our daily lives. All levels and experiences welcome.

Sample Schedule (times in PST)

10:00-10:45 AM Welcome + Intro to topic, Stationary practice, Movement/Walking instructions
10:45-11:15 AM Movement or Walking practice
11:15 AM -12:00 PM Dharmette + Stationary practice
12:00-12:45 PM Meal break
12:45-1:15 PM Stationary practice
1:15-1:45 PM Movement or Walking practice
1:45-2:30 PM Dharmette + Stationary practice
2:30-3:00 PM Walking practice
3:00-3:30 PM Q&R, Closing

April 27


May 4
