Bonus Meditation - End of Year Reflection

This meditation is part of my end of year rituals I do to honor the past year and to usher in the next year with connection, intention, and purpose. The meditation includes visualizing the year that is ending in reverse chronological order and letting any memories of whatever happened during the year arise naturally.

Afterward, you can fill out the template available for download via the link below. The template prompts you to specify one to two highs and lows from each season, reflect on the one biggest lesson you (re)learned, and contemplate on how you want to feel in the coming year.


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Once you've settled into your posture – whether seated, standing or laying down – either close your eyes or turn them downward. Give yourself a few moments to settle here to ground and to let the ground hold you in whatever posture you've chosen.

Invite your body to relax by taking a few full breaths, if that feels appropriate, maybe quickly scanning the body from head to toe and releasing any parts that may be holding that don't need to be, like the eyebrows or jaw, shoulders or belly. Perhaps you use words to invite relaxation such as “may this body relax.” “May I relax.”

For a few more moments, gather your heart and mind around something happening in this moment, like your breath or sound or sensation in a particular part of your body. Staying close to your anchor, but in a relaxed and loose way. The mind will probably wander and that's not a problem. Gently returning to this moment, this experience, again and again.

Slowly backward until January 1st. Doing so by season and allowing any memories, images or thoughts to arise, not trying to force or conjure up anything in particular. If it doesn't come naturally, that's totally fine. What sometimes is helpful is imagining the weather of that season, maybe where you were and from there noticing or receiving any sorts of memories.

Starting from this moment to the past few days, the past few weeks, and even month, what arises for you? How did you spend your time and with whom if anyone? Slowly beginning to add November which for you, depending on where you are, might include darker colder days. 

In October, brightly colored leaves, somewhat warm temperatures, although cooling off. Bring to mind the summer in reverse chronological order. 

In September, perhaps the bustle of going back to school, even though you may not be in school.

In August and July, the heat that might have accompanied those months, any holidays – whether bank holidays or personal holidays. How did you spend your time and with whom if anyone?

Begin to open to the experience of memories, images, or thoughts associated with spring. 

In June, May, and April, what were things like for you then? Your loved ones, friends or acquaintances? Perhaps things in the news is what comes to mind which then relates to things that happened to you or that you did.

There's no right or wrong list of memories or thoughts or images, just whatever is naturally coming to mind. No need to filter or pick and choose, allowing as little or as much to flow in and out.

Finally, ending this visualization with the winter almost coming back full circle letting any memories, images or thoughts arise related to March, February and January. 

Let all of these memories fade away and return to your body sitting, standing or laying right here, right now. Nowhere to go. No one to be.  For a few more moments, once again turn your attention to either the sound of your breath or sensations in a part of the body.

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